2023 -Taking Stock
This year, I took a chance on myself, applied for a lot of opportunities, and got the famous “unfortunately” emails, but some unprecedented opportunities also came my way, and I am forever grateful.
This year, I took a chance on myself, applied for a lot of opportunities, and got the famous “unfortunately” emails, but some unprecedented opportunities also came my way, and I am forever grateful.
It’s the last day of this amazing year, and what a ride it has been, I almost did not put up any end of the year post but I would love to make future reference to this point in my life. I am a very accommodating person, and I try to be tolerant, but with…
Often times we don’t get to our destination as fast as we want to but today I am grateful for my journey and the route that brought me to this point.
We Interview Roseline Adewuyi I love women so much, and they inspire me in many ways, whether they are examples of women that I aspire to be like or those whose traits I must not emulate. I live for blowing the trumpet of women doing great things both within my space and outside it. It…
This year I finally start to prepare for how my late 20s will be and I am celebrating my blog’s first year anniversary. To be honest, I am not as devoted to this blog as I ought to be the notion that because my 9-5 entails writing, blogging will not be that hard is such…
I randomly get blog ideas in the public bus, in the marketplace while gisting with my friends, or in solitude when I am enjoying my own company. This blog post inspiration came on my way home after a bad day at work. This blog post came after an annoying encounter with my line manager at…
The issue of migration, especially international migration is one area of research that interests me a lot. A touch of diaspora talk here and there and you are sure to find me, coupled with the fact that I engage in a lot of research on international trade and related stuff in my current place of…
On making the decision to return to Nigeria, I was filled with a lot of uncertainties including the fact that my visa was valid for over 6 months and I could stay back and even process another one-year visa